Supporting the victims of a powerful natural calamity, by displaying the force and compassion of humanity!
Some times even the nature is angry with poor people with cyclones, floods and earth quakes. It shows its anger by taking away all their crop , cattle and making them homeless. Many of them don't even have temporary shelter and some people are being haunted by terrible experiences left by the nature. For those homeless, Government is ready to build houses under some schemes if they could come up with a small amount of Rs.10, 000 ($ 225 approximately). But the poor people surviving on daily wages can't afford that much. We can not leave them for their fates!
Spandana wants to help these needy people by supporting them to have their houses constructed with the help of Government funds by contributing the initial minimum amount required to qualify for the schemes.
In November 2006, Ogni cyclone done a massive disruption to the normal life in 6 coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. Many villages are been submerged in water and caused widespread damage to houses and crops, threw normal life out of gear. Krishna district one of the worst affected district and 1, 16,611people were evacuated during the floods. Overall 11,330 housed were damaged fully and 28,242 were damaged partially . Krishna district alone have 1738 fully damaged houses and 6392 partially damaged houses during these floods.
Your valuable donation takes shape of a house for the needy. Your name or the name of person on which the donation is made will be inscribed on the wall of newly built houses for the beneficiaries. It's a great honor to your loved one and to yourself that enlighten many hearts
Your donation of $ 225 on your beloved birthday or anniversary or in memory of your elders will give rebirth to the hope on their future.
Many of them don't even have temporary shelter and some people are being haunted by terrible experiences left by recent floods and cyclones etc.
For those homeless, Government is ready to build houses under Indiramma Housing Scheme if they could come up with a small amount of Rs.10, 000 ($ 225 approximately).
But the poor people surviving on daily wages can't afford that much. Your valuable donation takes shape of a house for the needy.
Your name or the name of person on which the donation is made will be inscribed on the wall of newly built houses for the beneficiaries. It's a great honor to your loved one and to yourself that enlighten many hearts forever in the name of your family celebration. Your gift to one makes many happy and their future generations too.
Ashraya ProjectSpandana helps people during natural calamity for the poor and needy.Please see the various projects that we have executed in recent past. Also please see the current appeals that are required your support and sponsorship for making a difference.
Your small contribution can make a huge difference in lives of others!!
Current Projects
Completed Projects