Paving way for the nation's glorious future by strengthening its schooling infrastructure!
The weakest link in the Indian public education system is its low quality. Even in educationally advanced states of India, an unacceptably low proportion of children who complete all grades of primary school have functional literacy. Moreover, the quality of `literates' of the school system is very low. The actual quantity of schooling that children experience and the quality of teaching they receive are extremely insufficient to any mastery of basic literacy and numeric skills.
Though there are primary schools established at the proximity of all the population, many schools have only one or two classrooms and most do not have running and/or drinking water and toilets. These features are not conducive to a learning environment.
MISSIONThe objective of Vidyalaya program is to help the Government schools that are providing formal education in rural areas in Andhra Pradesh. Spandana has been supporting these schools that have been neglected by local communities and government officials. Vidyalaya program is to provide amenities, tools which can facilitate good teaching environment and improve learning techniques in government schools by which we can help the children attending these from low socio-economic backgrounds. In this program, the schools get the following benefits from Spandana.
Vidyalaya Projects :
Spandana aims to help schools and colleges under the Vidyalaya project. Please see the various projects that we have executed in recent past. Also, see the current appeals that are required your support and sponsorship for making a difference to so many students' lives by enhancing the infrastructure of the institutions.
Your small contribution can make a huge difference in lives of others!!
Current Projects
Completed Projects