Help spread the divine gifts of health and life, by donating to the needy patients going under the knife!
Cheyutha program by Spandana is to concentrate on health, nutrition, general care and rehabilitation for disadvantaged groups including rural population, orphans, senior citizens, the homeless and the physically and mentally handicapped. The overriding objective of Spandana is to provide better health conditions, create awareness on health & diseases and provide medicines where required in Andhra Pradesh. In this program, Spandana involves in the following activities.
Health Camps: Organizing health camps in the rural villages (at schools & main village community centers), to treat those patients who are unable to travel. Associate with medical and pharmaceutical companies in local areas to provide their support in terms of supplying medicines and medical equipments at reduced cost.
Mobile Hospital: Lots of villages are far from the reach of the good hospitals. Even if they are ill, they do not show to the doctor due to socio-economic back-ground. The local Public health Centers (PHC) do not really visit the rural villages to treat the patients. The Mobile Hospital will have basic minimum equipment and trained nurse who can visit the villages once in 2 weeks and diagnose the illness and suggest for treatment, inform the local PHC to take the necessary steps in treating the patients. Some cases, help the patients for necessary financial support for the treatment.
Training Local Women as Health Promoters: Self supportability is generally better solution than increasing the dependencies. Spandana would like to work towards training educated house-wives in the village to make them, Community Health Promoters (CHP). These women will be trained on health behavior, health education, illness, assessment of basic need of the community, neonatal care, child illness, family planning, safe motherhood and routine immunization. They also may play a role for Mobile Hospital village coordinators
Cheyutha Projects :
Spandana helps poor people to maintain better health in rural areas with the help of various programs. We are executing lots of projects under Cheyutha to help people. Your donations to help the poor for their health will make a family happy and healthy!
Current Projects
Completed Projects