Helping the talented students in need reach their full potential, by granting them the opportunities that are extremely vital.
As per latest statistics from UNESCO (2007), there are 268 million illiterate in India. Of the 200 million children in the age group 6-14, it is estimated that 59 million are out of school. Of these 35 million are girls. Of the 32 million children that began school in 2004, less than half will complete a compulsory 8 years of education. A girl’s education is an abruptly ended in hope for millions of girls as only 1 in 4 remain in school long enough to complete Class 10.
The dropouts are majorly due to the socio-economic background of the families. To meet their basic family expenses they succumb towards ending their studies early. There are many students dropping out from higher studies, because they are left with no resort but to contribute towards family’ earning and support. At tender age they carry shovel and barrow in place of pens and books. At other times, although the student secure very good score in the competitive exams and is willing to go for professional studies, they lack financial support from the family. Ultimately bright students are forced to compromise with their professional studies like Engineering, Medicine etc.
Since 2005, Spandana Foundation, is striving to make small difference in the life of such deprived but precious students. Spandana Foundation - Pratibha project support poor and meritorious students financially and motivate them to attain higher studies. This will help us to develop an educated society by which we can contribute to the growth of our motherland.